Hornchurch Driving Test Centre Address
75 Station Lane
Greater London
RM12 6JX
Tel 0300 200 11 22
Hornchurch Driving Test Centre Pass Rates
2018-2019 46.7%
2017-2018 Car 46.7%
2016-2017 Car 46.1%
2015-2016 46.9%
2014-2015 Car 45.4%
2013-2014 Car 45%.
2012-2013 Car 42.7%
2010-2011 Car 39.3%
2008-2009 Car 39.08%
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 1 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
High St | 2 nd right |
North St | Follow one way system ahead |
Butts Green Rd | Ahead roundabout 1 st left |
Haynes Rd | EOR right |
Squirrels Heath Lane | EOR left |
Ardleigh Green Rd | Ahead T/L Becomes |
Squirrels Heath Rd | Ahead roundabout 2 nd exit Becomes |
Shepherds Hill | 3rd right |
Hall Lane | EOR right |
A127 (E) | Left M25 interchange 4 th exit |
A127(W) | 3 rd left |
Wingletye Lane | 7 th right |
Herbert Rd | 1 st left |
Curtis Rd | EOR left |
Woodhall Crescent | EOR right |
Wingletye Lane | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | One way system 1 st left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 2 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | 1 st right |
Ravenscourt Drive | EOR right |
Ravenscourt Grove | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | Becomes |
St.Marys Lane | T/L right |
Corbets Tey Rd | 5 th right |
Tawny Avenue | EOR left |
The Grove | EOR left |
Parklands Avenue | EOR right |
Corbets Tey Rd | Becomes |
Ockendon Rd | EOR left |
Clay Tye Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
St Marys Lane | Becomes |
Warley St B186 | 2 nd right |
Join A127 (W) | 2 nd left |
Hall Lane | Becomes |
Station Lane | T/L right |
St Marys Lane | Becomes |
Upminster Rd | Becomes |
High St | One way system 1 st left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 3 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | EOR left |
High St | Follow one way system left |
Hornchurch Rd | 6 th right |
Northdown Rd | EOR left |
Norman Rd | 1 st right |
Globe Rd | 1 st right |
Bush Elms Rd | EOR right |
Park Lane | Roundabout 1 st exit left |
Brentwood Rd | EOR roundabout right 2 nd exit |
South St | T/L right |
Thurloe Gardens | Becomes |
Mercury Gardens | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Mercury Gardens | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Main Rd | 2 nd left |
Pettits Lane | T/L right |
A12 (E) | Over flyover, T/L right |
Ardleigh Green Rd | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Butts Green Rd | Follow one way system left |
North St | EOR left |
High St | One way system right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 4 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Ahead Becomes |
Suttons Lane | 5 th right |
Miramar Rd | EOR left |
Chevington Way | EOR left |
Swanbourne Drive | EOR right |
Suttons Lane | Becomes |
Airfield Way | EOR T/L left |
South End Rd | Ahead T/L |
Cherry Tree Lane | EOR T/L left |
A1306 | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Bridge Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Bridge Rd | 1 st left |
Upminster Rd South | Ahead T/L Becomes |
Upminster Rd North | Becomes |
Warwick Lane | EOR left |
Aveley Rd | Roundabout ahead Becomes |
Park Farm Rd | Becomes |
Hacton Lane | 2 nd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | 1st right |
Mill Park Avenue | Becomes |
Mavis Grove | EOR left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 5 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC Station Lane | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | 3 rd right |
Norfolk Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Aldborough Rd | EOR left |
Granton Avenue | EOR left |
Newbury Gardens | EOR roundabout left 1 st exit |
Norfolk Rd | EOR right |
St Marys Lane | T/L right |
Corbets Tey Rd | Becomes |
Ockendon Rd | 1 st right |
Stubbers Lane | EOR right |
Dennises Lane | Becomes |
Bramble Lane | EOR right |
Aveley Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Harwood Hall Lane | EOR left |
Corbets Tey Rd | 4 th left |
Gaynes Park Rd | 2 nd right |
Beech Avenue | EOR left |
South View Drive | 1 st right |
Bridge Avenue | EOR left |
Upminster Rd | Follow one way system left |
High St | 1 st left |
DTC | |
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 6 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | Becomes |
St Marys Lane | 5 th left |
Highview Gardens | 1 st right |
Cranbourne Gardens | EOR left |
St Marys Lane | T/L left |
Station Lane | 4 th right |
Ingrebourne Gardens | 1 st right |
Courtenay Gardens | EOR right |
Deyncourt Gardens | EOR right |
Station Lane | Becomes |
Hall Lane | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Avon Rd | 2 nd left |
Severn Drive | 1 st right |
Humber Drive | EOR right |
Severn Drive | EOR left |
Avon Rd | EOR left |
Front Lane | EOR left |
A127 (W) | T/L left |
Ardleigh Green Rd | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
ButtsGreen Rd | One way system right |
Billet Lane | EOR T/L left |
High St | One way system right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 7 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | 4th right |
Bridge Avenue | 2 nd left |
South View Drive | Becomes |
Elm Avenue | 1 st left |
The Approach | EOR left |
Corbets Tey Rd | Ahead T/L becomes |
Station Lane | 3 rd right |
Deyncourt Gardens | EOR right |
Ingrebourne Gardens | EOR left |
Front Lane | 4 th left |
Avon Rd | 1 st right |
Severn Drive | EOR right |
Avon Rd | EOR Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Hall Lane | 1 st left |
A127 (W) | T/L left |
Ardleigh Green Rd | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Butts Green Rd | One way system right |
Billet Lane | EOR T/L left |
High St | One way system right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 8 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | 4 th right |
Bridge Avenue | 2nd left |
South View Drive | Becomes |
Elm Avenue | 1st left |
The Approach | EOR left |
Corbets Tey Rd | 1 st right |
Springfield Gardens | EOR left |
Argyle Gardens | EOR right |
St Marys Lane | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Front Lane | 2 nd left |
Ingrebourne Gardens | 1 st right |
Marlborough Rd | Becomes |
Marlborough Gardens | EOR left |
Avon Rd | EOR roundabout right |
Hall Lane | 1 st left |
A127 (W) | T/L left |
Ardleigh Green Rd | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Butts Green Rd | One way system ahead |
North St | EOR left |
High St | One way system right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 9 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR right |
Hacton Lane | 1 st left after bridge |
Newbury Gardens | EOR left |
Granton Avenue | EOR right |
Derby Avenue | 3 roundabouts ahead EOR left |
Hacton Lane | Becomes |
Park Farm Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit becomes |
Aveley Rd | 2 nd right |
Warwick Lane | Becomes |
Upminster Rd North | T/L right |
A1306 | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
A1306 | T/L right |
Cherry Tree Lane | EOR T/L left |
Rainham Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Rainham Rd | 3 rd right |
Wood Lane | 1 st left |
Rosewood Avenue | Ahead 2 roundabouts |
Rosewood Avenue | 3 rd Roundabout left 1 st exit |
The BRdway | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Elm Park Avenue | EOR left |
Abbs Cross Lane | 2 nd right |
Suttons Avenue | 3 rd right |
Belmont Rd | EOR left |
Kenilworth Gardens | 2 nd left |
Balmoral Rd | EOR right |
Suttons Avenue | EOR left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 10 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR right |
Hacton Lane | 1 st left after bridge |
Newbury Gardens | EOR left |
Granton Avenue | EOR right |
Derby Avenue | 3 rd roundabout ahead EOR left |
Hacton Lane | Becomes |
Park Farm Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, Becomes |
Aveley Rd | 2 nd right |
Warwick Lane | Becomes |
Upminster Rd North | T/L right |
A1306 | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
A1306 | T/L right |
Cherry Tree Lane | EOR T/L left |
Rainham Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Rainham Rd | 3 rd right |
Wood Lane | 1 st left |
Rosewood Avenue | Ahead 2 ND roundabout |
Rosewood Avenue | 3 rd roundabout left 1 st exit |
The Broadway | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Elm Park Avenue | EOR left |
Abbs Cross Lane | 2 nd right |
Suttons Avenue | 3 rd right |
Belmont Rd | EOR left |
Kenilworth Gardens | 2 nd left |
Balmoral Rd | EOR right |
Suttons Avenue | EOR left |
DTC | |
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 11 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | T/L ahead |
Wingletye Lane | 3 rd left |
Woodhall Crescent | 1 st right |
Curtis Rd | 2 nd right |
Poole Rd | EOR left |
Wingletye Lane | EOR left |
A127 (W) | T/L right |
Squirrels Heath Rd | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Gubbins Lane | 3 rd right |
Station Rd | Becomes |
The Avenue | EOR left |
A12 (W) | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Main Rd | T/L left |
Upper Brentwood Rd | Roundabout ahead, Becomes |
Brentwood Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Slewins Lane | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Butts Green Rd | One way system ahead |
North St | EOR left |
High St | One way system right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 12 |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR right |
Hacton Lane | 2 nd left |
Newbury Gardens | EOR left |
Granton Avenue | EOR roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Derby Avenue | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | Becomes |
Park Farm Rd | Roundabout ahead becomes |
Aveley Rd | 1 st left |
Bramble Lane | Becomes |
DennisesLane | 1 st left |
Stubbers Lane | EOR left |
Ockendon Rd | Becomes |
Corbets Tey Rd | 7 th right |
Park Drive | 2 nd right |
Brackendale Gardens | 2 nd right |
Cranston Park Avenue | EOR right |
Corbets Tey Rd | EOR T/L left |
St Marys Lane | Becomes |
Upminster Rd | T/L ahead |
Upminster Rd | One way system left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 13 |
DTC | 3 rd right |
Suttons Avenue | 3 rd left |
Belmont Rd | EOR left |
Kenilworth Gardens | 2 nd left |
Balmoral Rd | EOR left |
Suttons Avenue | EOR left |
Abbs Cross Lane | 2 nd right |
Elm Park Avenue | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
BRdway | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Rosewood Avenue | Ahead 2 nd roundabout, EOR right |
Wood Lane | EOR left |
Rainham Rd | Roundabout left |
Rainham Rd | 2 nd right |
Stanley Rd North | 4 th left |
Edmund Rd | EOR right, right |
Cherry Tree Lane | EOR left |
A1306 | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
A1306 | T/L left |
Upminster Rd North | Becomes |
Warwick Lane | EOR left |
Aveley Rd | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Park Farm Rd | Becomes |
Hacton Lane | 2 nd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | 3 rd right |
Mill Park Avenue | Becomes |
Mavis Grove | EOR left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 14 |
DTC | 3 rd left |
Ravenscourt Grove | EOR left |
Hacton Lane | T/L right |
Upminster Rd | 4 th left |
Highview Gardens | 1 st right |
Cranbourne Gardens | EOR left |
St Marys Lane | T/L left |
Station Lane | 3 rd left |
Waldegrave Rd | 1 st right |
Engayne Gardens | EOR right |
Ashburnham Gardens | EOR left |
Hall Lane | 1 st right |
Ingrebourne Gardens | EOR right |
Front Lane | Roundabout left |
St Marys Lane | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Clay Tye Rd | 1 st right |
Ockendon Rd | Becomes |
Corbets Tey Rd | T/L left |
St Marys Lane | Becomes |
Upminster Rd | Ahead T/L |
Upminster Rd | One way system left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 15 |
DTC | One way system left |
High St | T/L right |
Billet Lane | 1 st left |
Keswick Avenue | Becomes |
Boscombe Rd | 2 nd right |
Cromer Rd | EOR left |
Billet Lane | One way system left |
Butts Green Rd | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Slewins Lane | 2 nd right |
Northumberland Avenue | EOR T/L left |
Squirrels Heath Lane | Ahead roundabout 2 nd exit |
Station Rd | EOR right |
Balgores Lane | T/L right |
A12 (E) | Ahead over flyover, T/L right |
Ardleigh Green Rd | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Butts Green Rd | One way system left |
North St | EOR left |
High St | One way system right |