Elgin Driving Test Centre Address
Crown Buildings
21 Trinity Road
IV30 1UE
Centre Telephone Number:
01343 540561
Elgin Driving Test Centre Pass Rate
2018-2019 Car 48.4%
2016-2017 Car 54.1%
2015-2016 Car 54.8%
2014-2015 Car 54.9%
2013-2014 Car 49.2%
2012-2013 Car 52.0%
2010-2011 Car 52.2%
2008-2009 Car 54.49%
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 1 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Right |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | EOR left |
Bridge St | 3 rd left |
Duffus Rd | Right, right |
Spynie St | EOR left |
Covesea Rd | Right |
Unclassified rd | EOR right |
Lossiemouth Rd | Left |
Lesmurdie Rd (Bucaneer) | 2 nd right |
Reid St | 2 nd right |
Fraser Ave | Left |
Christie Rd | Left |
Deanshaugh Rd | Left |
Deanshaugh Ave | EOR left |
Deanshaugh Rd | EOR right |
Lesmurdie Rd / Pansport Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Maisondieu Rd | 4 th right |
Duff Ave | EOR right |
Maisondieu Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Station Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Northfield St | Roundabout 3 rd exit |
High St | Right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout 1 st exit |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
Cumming St | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 2 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout right |
Alexandra Rd (A941) | Roundabout ahead |
Northfield Terrace | Roundabout ahead |
Hay St | Roundabout right |
Wards Rd / Wittet Drive | Roundabout left |
Pluscarten Rd | Right |
Fluers Drive | Left, EOR right, EOR right |
Pluscarten Rd | Left |
Dallas Rd | Left |
Birnie | EOR left, left |
Sandy Rd | EOR left |
Springfield Rd | Left |
Glenmuray Drive | EOR right |
Edgar Rd | Roundabout ahead, 2 x roundabout left |
New Elgin Rd | Roundabout left |
Station Rd / Hay St | Roundabout ahead |
Northfield Terrace | Roundabout right |
High St | Right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout left |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
Bishopmill Brae | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | |
DTC | |
Route Number | 3 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout ahead |
South College St | Roundabout ahead |
East Rd (A96) | Roundabout ahead |
East Rd (A96) (right hand lane) | Roundabout ahead |
East Rd (A96) | Right |
Pinefield Parade | 2 nd left |
Pinefield Crescent | EOR left |
Reiketts Lane | Left |
Pine Grove | EOR left |
Reiketts Lane | EOR right |
East Rd (A96) | 2 nd right |
Orton Rd | Right |
Unnamed Rd | Right |
Linkwood Rd | Roundabout right |
New Elgin Rd | Roundabout left |
Station Rd / Hay St | Roundabout ahead |
Northfield Terrace | Roundabout right |
High St | Right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout left |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
Bishopmill Brae | |
DTC | |
Route Number | 4 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | EOR left |
Bishopmill Brae | 2 nd left |
Blantyre St | EOR right |
Duff Place | EOR left |
Morriston Rd | Right |
Quarry Rd | Left |
Scott Drive | EOR left |
Quarry Rd | EOR left |
Duncan Drive | EOR left |
Brumley Brae | EOR right |
Morriston Rd | EOR right |
West Rd (A96) | Left |
Milton Duff Rd | EOR left |
Pluscarden Rd | Roundabout ahead, right |
Grant St | EOR right |
Pluscarden Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
High St | Roundabout ahead, right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout left |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
Bishopmill Brae | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 5 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout 3 rd exit |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout left |
High St | Right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
South College St | Roundabout ahead |
East Rd | Right |
Ashgrove Rd | EOR right |
Linkwood Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Edgar Rd | Roundabout ahead, right |
Glen Moray Drive | EOR left |
Springfield Rd | Right |
Sandy Rd | 3 rd left, left, EOR left |
Birnie Rd | EOR right |
Main St | Left |
Thornhill Rd | EOR right |
Linkwood Rd | EOR left |
Orton Rd | EOR left |
A96 | 2 x roundabout ahead |
East Rd / Alexandra Rd | 5 th roundabout right |
Cumming St | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
Route Number | 6 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout right |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
High St (A96) | Roundabout right |
West Rd (A96) | 3 rd left |
Wittet Drive | Roundabout ahead |
Petrie Crescent / Wittet Drive | EOR left |
Wards Rd | EOR right |
Station Rd | Roundabout right |
New Elgin Rd | Roundabout left |
Linkwood Rd | EOR left |
Unnamed Rd | EOR left |
Orton Rd | EOR left |
A96 | Left |
Reiketts Lane | EOR left |
A96 East Rd | Roundabout ahead |
East Rd | Roundabout ahead, 2 nd left |
Victoria Rd | EOR left |
Maisondieu Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Station Rd / Hay St | Roundabout ahead |
Northfield Terrace | Roundabout right |
High St | Right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout left |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
Bishopmill Brae | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 7 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout right |
Greyfriars St | Left |
Moss St | 2 nd right |
Moray St / Forteath St | EOR right |
Wards Rd | Right |
Wittet Dr | Roundabout left |
Pluscarten Rd | Right |
Fluers Rd | Left, EOR left, right, EOR left |
Wittet Drive | EOR left |
West Rd | 2 nd right |
Morriston Rd | 3 rd left |
Brumley Brae | Right |
Smith Drive | EOR right, EOR right |
Duffus Rd | 2 nd left |
Spynie St | EOR left |
Covesea Rd | Roundabout ahead, right |
Unclassified Rd | EOR right |
Lossiemouth Rd | 5 th right |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 8 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Right |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | EOR right |
Cumming St | Roundabout right |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Northfield St | Roundabout left |
South St | EOR right |
Moss St | Left |
Institution Rd | 2 nd right |
Seafield Ave | EOR left |
Maisondieu Rd | Roundabout right |
A96 West Rd | Roundabout ahead |
West Rd | Roundabout left |
Moycroft | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
East Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Tyock Industrial Estate | EOR left |
Grampian Rd | EOR right |
Pansport Rd / Lesmurdie Rd | 2 nd left |
Deanshaugh Rd | 3 rd right |
Deanshaugh Terrace | 3 rd right |
Fraser Ave | Left, EOR left, EOR left |
Reid St | EOR left |
Lesmurdie Rd | EOR right |
Lossiemouth Rd | Left |
Farm Rd | EOR left |
Covesea Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit, EOR right |
Lossiemouth Rd / North St / Bishopmill Brae | 4 th right |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 9 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Right |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | EOR left |
Bishopmill Brae | 3 rd left |
Duffus Rd | Right, right |
Spyne St | EOR right |
Covesea Rd | EOR left |
Lossiemouth Rd / Lossiemouth | 2 nd left |
School Brae | Right |
Prospect Terrace | Left, 2 nd left |
King St | Crossroads ahead, crossroads left |
James St | EOR left |
High St | EOR right |
Queen St | EOR right |
Pitgaveny St / Clifton Rd | EOR left |
Elgin Rd / Elgin / North St | 4 th right |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 10 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Right |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | 4 th right |
Brodie Drive | Left |
Munro Place | Roundabout ahead, EOR right |
Lossiemouth Rd | 3 rd left |
B9135 to Lossiemouth | Roundabout right |
Coulardbank Rd | Right |
Boyde Anderson Drive | 5 th left |
Forth Place | EOR left |
Boyde Anderson Drive | EOR right |
Coulardbank Rd | EOR left |
Elgin Rd | Left |
School Brae | Right |
Prospect Terrace | 3 rd left |
King St | 2 nd left |
James St | EOR left |
High St | EOR right |
Pitgaveny St / Elgin Rd | Ahead to Elgin, 4 th right |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 11 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout 2 nd exit |
Queens Rd | EOR right |
Institution Rd | Left |
Seafield St | Left |
Seafield Crescent | EOR left |
Maisondieu Rd | Roundabout 3 rd exit |
East Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit, roundabout left |
Moycroft | Roundabout 1 st exit |
A96 | Roundabout 1 st exit |
Lhanbryde St Andrews Rd | 3 rd left |
Robertson Rd | EOR right |
Glenesk Rd | EOR left |
Robertson Rd | EOR left |
Garmouth Rd | EOR right |
St Andrews Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
A96 | Roundabout 1 st exit |
East Rd | Roundabout 1 st exit, 2 nd left |
Victoria Crescent | EOR left |
Maisondieu Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Station Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Northfield St | Roundabout 3 rd exit |
High St | Right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout 1 st exit |
Alexander Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
Cumming St | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 12 |
DTC | Left |
Trinity Rd / Boroughbriggs Rd | Roundabout left |
Haugh Rd | Roundabout ahead |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout ahead, roundabout 1 st exit |
South College St | Roundabout 3 rd exit |
Maisondieu Rd | Roundabout 1 st exit |
New Elgin Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit, right |
North St | 4 th left |
Gordon St | 2 nd right |
Land St | EOR left |
Sandy Rd | Left |
Birnie Place | EOR left |
Sandy Rd | EOR right |
Birnie Rd | Right |
Birnie | EOR right |
Dallas Rd | EOR right |
Pluscarden Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit, right |
Grant St | EOR right |
Pluscarden Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
High St | Roundabout 2 nd exit, right |
Batchen St | EOR left |
South St | EOR left |
Greyfriars St | Roundabout 1 st exit |
Alexandra Rd | Roundabout right |
Cumming St | 2 nd left |
Boroughbriggs Rd | Left |