Burgess Hill Driving Test Centre Address
Off Charles Avenue, Victoria Industrial Estate
Burgess Hill
West Sussex
RH15 9AG
Burgess Hill Driving Test Centre Pass Rate: 49.3%
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 1 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 1 st right |
Albert Drive | Becomes |
Victoria Way | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
London Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
London Rd | 2 nd left |
Chanctonbury Rd | 5 th left |
Holmsdale Rd | EOR right |
Potters Lane | EOR right |
Station Rd | EOR left |
Queen Elizabeth Avenue | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Civic Way | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Crescent Rd | EOR left |
Mill Rd | 3 rd left |
Leyland Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Leyland Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
London Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
London Rd | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Cuckfield Rd | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Bolney Rd | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
A23 | 1 st exit left (Burgess Hill) |
Slip Rd | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
A2300 | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
A2300 | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Jane Mary Way | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Jane Mary Way | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
York Way | Becomes |
Charles Avenue | Left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 2 |
DTC | EOR right |
Charles Avenue | Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
London Rd | T/L right |
Keymer Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Keymer Rd | 2 nd left |
Grand Avenue | 4 th left |
Mackei Avenue | EOR left |
Grand Avenue | EOR left |
Ockley Lane | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Folders Lane | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Folders Lane | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
B2121 | 1 st left |
Jane Lane | EOR left |
Valebridge Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Leyland Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Leyland Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Petworth Drive | 3 rd left |
Bramber Way | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Maple Drive | T/L left |
London Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
London Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
West Street | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Royal George Rd | 3 rd right |
Victoria Avenue | EOR right |
Victoria Way | Becomes |
Albert Drive | EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 1 st right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 3 |
DTC | EOR Left |
Charles Avenue | 2 nd right |
Jubilee Rd | EOR left |
Jubilee Rd | Becomes |
Consort Way | EOR left |
Victoria Way | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
London Rd | T/L right |
Lower Church Road | 1 st left |
St John Rd | EOR left |
Park Rd | 2 nd right |
St Johns Avenue | EOR left |
Park Rd | EOR right |
Mill Rd | 1 st right |
Crescent Rd | Becomes |
Civic Way | Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Civic Way | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Queen Elizabeth Avenue | 1 st right |
Station Rd | 2 nd left |
Potters Lane | EOR right |
Chanctonbury Rd | Compulsory left |
Londom Rd | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
London Rd | T/L right |
Hurst Rd | Becomes |
Wickham Hill | Become |
Hassocks Rd | Becomes |
High Street | Mini roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Cuckfield Rd | 3 rd left |
Willow Way | EOR left |
Cucfield Rd | Crossroad ahead |
Cucfield Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
A2300 | Roundabout right 4 th exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
York Rd | Becomes |
Charles Avenue | right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 4 |
DTC | right |
Charles Avenue | Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
London Rd | 1 st right |
Chanctonbury Rd | Becomes |
Queens Crescent | Becomes |
Wolstonbury Way | EOR right |
Station Rd | Mini roundabout ahead |
Station Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Keymer Rd | 1 st right |
Greenland Drive | EOR right |
Keymer Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Keymer Rd | Becomes |
Ockley Lane | 1 st right |
Ockley Way | EOR right |
Ockley Way | 1 st left |
Maner Way | EOR left |
Mackei Avenue | EOR left |
Grand Avenue | EOR rght |
Keymer Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 1 st Exit |
Keymer Rd | T/L right |
London Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
London Rd | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
London Rd | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Victoria Way | Becomes |
Albert Drive | EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 1 st right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 5 |
DTC | EOR left |
Charles Avenue | Becomes |
York Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Jane Mary Way | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Jane Mary Way | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
A2300 | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
A2300 | Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit |
2300 | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
A23 Slip Rd | Leave A23 at 1 st exit |
Cowfold | Roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Cowfold Rd | EOR left |
A272 | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
A272 | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Cuckfield Rd | Becomes |
Harvest Hill | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
London Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
London Rd | T/L left |
Maple Drive | Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit |
Maple Drive | 2 nd left |
Perworth Drive | Mini roundabout left |
Leyland Rd | 1 st right |
Mill Rd | 2 nd right |
Park Rd | EOR right |
Mill Rd | 1 st right |
Crescent Rd | Becomes |
Civic Way | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Civic Way | Roundabout left |
Queen Elizabeth Avenue | 1 st right |
Station Rd | 3 rd left |
Potters Lane | EOR right |
Chanctonbury Rd | Compulsory left |
London Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Charles Avenue | 1 st left |
Type of Test Route | Car |
Route Number | 6 |
Name/Number of Road | Direction |
DTC | EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 2 nd right |
Jubilee Rd | EOR left |
Consort Way | EOR left |
Victoria Gardens / Victoria Rd | 1 st left |
Victoria Gardens | EOR left |
Royal George Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Sussex Way | Roundabout right 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit |
London Rd | T/L right |
Dunstall Avenue | EOR left |
West St | Mini roundabout left |
London Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Leylands Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Junction Rd | 4 th left |
Cants Lane | Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st left |
St Andrews Rd | EOR left |
Manor Rd | EOR right |
Janes Lane | EOR right |
B2112 | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Folders Lane | Mini roundabout right |
Kings Way | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Folders Lane | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Keymer Rd | Roundabout left |
Station Rd | Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Queen Elizabeth Avenue | Mini roundabout left |
London Rd | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Charles Avenue | 1 st left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 7 |
DTC | EOR right |
Charles Ave | Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout left 2 nd exit |
London Rd | Mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Queen Elizabeth Avenue | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Station Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Keymer Rd | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Folders Lane | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Kings Way | Mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Folders Lane | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
B2112 | 1 st left |
Janes Lane | 1 st left |
Manor Rd | 3 rd right |
St Andrews Rd | EOR right |
Cants Lane | Mini roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, EOR right |
Junction Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Leylands Rd | Mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit, mini roundabout ahead 1 st exit, mini roundabout right 2 nd exit |
London Rd | Roundabout left 1 st exit |
Sussex Way | Roundabout left 1 st exit, 1 st left |
Howard Avenue | EOR left |
Sussex Way | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Royal George Rd / Victoria Gardens | 2 nd right |
Victoria Rd | 1 st right |
Victoria Gardens / Consort Way | 1 st right |
Jubilee Rd | 1 st right, EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 1 st right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 8 |
DTC | EOR left |
Charles Avenue / Albert Drive | 1 st right |
Victoria Gardens / Victoria Rd | 2 nd left |
Victoria Avenue | EOR right |
Royal George Rd | 2 nd left |
Fairfield Rd | 2 nd left |
West St | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Sussex Way | Roundabout right 2 nd exit, roundabout right 3 rd exit |
London Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Leylands Rd | 4 th right |
St Peters Rd | EOR right |
Leylands Rd | Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st right |
Mill Rd | 2 nd left |
St Wilfreds Rd | 1 st left |
Noel Rise | EOR right |
Leylands Rd | Mini roundabout right |
Junction Rd | 6 th left |
Ravenswood Rd | EOR left |
Marlborough Dr | 2 nd right |
Ferndale Rd | 2 nd right |
Glendale Rd | EOR left |
Silverdale Rd | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Station Rd | Mini roundabout ahead, roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Queen Elizabeth Avenue | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit, mini roundabout left |
London Road | Roundabout right 2 nd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout ahead 2 nd exit |
Charles Avenue | 1 st left |
DTC | |
Route Number | 9 |
DTC | EOR right |
Charles Avenue | Roundabout ahead 3 rd exit |
Jane Murray Way | Roundabout 2 nd exit |
London Rd | T/L right |
Station Rd | EOR right, mini roundabout ahead, roundabout left 2 nd exit |
Silverdale Rd | 1 st right |
Glendale Rd | EOR left |
Ferndale Rd | EOR left |
Marlborough Drive | 1 st right |
Ravenswood Rd | EOR right |
Junction Rd | Mini roundabout left |
Leylands Rd | 1 st left |
Noel Rise | EOR right |
St Wilfreds Rd | EOR right |
Mill Rd | 1st left |
Leylands Rd | Mini roundabout ahead, 1 st left |
St Peters Rd | EOR left |
Leylands Rd | Mini roundabout right |
London Rd | Roundabout left |
Sussex Way | 2 roundabouts left |
West St | 2 nd right |
Fairfield Rd | EOR right |
Royal George Rd / Victoria Avenue |
3 rd left |
Victoria Rd / Victoria Gardens | 1 st right |
Albert Drive | EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 1 st right |
DTC | |
Route Number | 10 |
DTC | EOR left |
Charles Avenue / York Rd | 1 st right |
Robin Rd | EOR right |
York Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit |
Jane Murray Way | 1 st left |
Malt House Lane | 1 st right |
Chalkers Lane | EOR left |
Cuckfield Rd | Mini roundabout ahead |
Brighton Rd B2117 | 1 st right |
A23 | 1 st exit, EOR right |
Unknown Road / Clayton Hill (A273) |
EOR left |
Brighton Rd | T/L ahead |
London Rd | 2 nd right |
Little Corpes Rd | EOR right |
Priory Rd | EOR left |
Shepherds Walk | 1 st right, EOR right |
London Rd | Roundabout right 3 rd exit, mini roundabout left 1 st exit, mini roundabout left 1 st exit |
Victoria Way / Consort Way | 2 nd right |
Jubilee Way | 1 st right, EOR left |
Charles Avenue | 1 st right |